Message from the CEO on Spesuna’s 1st Anniversary

Spesuna is extremely proud to mark its 1st Anniversary today (15th March).
Spesuna means Hope Together and was borne out with the sole vision of changing the way we live and work with technology. Over the few months we have achieved a whole lot; from revolutionizing the freelance industry with Cedijob to presenting a social digital platform focused on personal interests with Aftasmile. We continue to take steps in making sure the concept of human connection become more convenient as we move forward.
There have been many challenges and rewards that I have learned from and I appreciate them all. Our continued success comes from our two biggest assets,
1. The people at Spesuna; who dedicates their time and energy to help nurture the Spesuna dream
2. Customers; who continually show their confidence in us
Spesuna prides itself as a co-design, employee owned enterprise where the values of the institutions are being run by the employees themselves. We develop our expertise regarding digital development with a sustainable approach while also expanding our offering to include a humanitarian perspective. Spesuna has also been closely involved in building a strong community of software engineers, designers and creators through mentorships and social connect programs.
To all our employees, customers, stakeholders, well-wishers and friends, as I look forward to the future of this great institution, I know that success is inevitable because of the combined strength you have been showing. – I thank you for your continued commitment to Spesuna.
Kwame Akwaa Mensah Adjei